Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
One Week Down
One Week Down
I love to take pictures of the girls, and I laughed when I saw the expression on Wave's face in this one as it pretty well expresses the crankiness we are feeling over waiting.
I had been pretty down for the better part of this past week, and even though I thought I remembered, I had forgotten exactly how it feels to be in this position.
As soon as we left court, I remembered that knot in my stomach that won't go away, how I have to keep reminding myself to unclench my teeth, and all of the other physical ways I feel this waiting nervously.
I was fighting ugly and bitter feelings this week as I thought about Thanksgiving approaching in a couple of days. I was just feeling so mad at the justice system for not putting the rights and needs of children first, and resentful towards the other party for not putting this little girl above themselves, and angry at trying to act happy during the holidays when everything is in limbo and nothing is certain.
Matt was teasing me about something the other night at dinner. Harper didn't realize he was joking and thought I would be upset. She said,
"Dad! 1 Thessalonians says be nice to my mommy!"
After he explained we were just having fun and we all laughed together, I started thinking about what verse Harper was referring to (which of course has nothing to do with being nice to mommies). At breakfast we work on memory verses.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says...
"Be joyful always. Pray continually. And give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
Well. Okay.
So I am slowly coming back around and getting back into the mindset of loving the life we live.
And I do.
Love this life.
It is the one I have always wanted!
I love my girls giggling together in the backseat or in the bathtub, grown up dinners with Matt in our quiet house when the ladies are sleeping, finding Jamberry and Goodnight Moon in my bed when I lay down at night, the sweet commentary Harper provides for all of our day to day activities, and laundry baskets filled with tiny, clean, pink clothes.
So if this is the price we pay for all of that...
I can still find joy;
I can still pray continually,
and I can still give thanks in this circumstance.
So with a little bit of a lighter heart, we are anticipating a happy Thanksgiving this Thursday.
My family hopes that yours has as much to be thankful for as we do.
With Love and Much Gratitude,
Raffle Winners!
Through your generous donations, over $350 was raised for the "Help M&M Fund" through these two fundraisers!
And now for the winners...
Ava Claire's Closet Christmas Outfit
Mary Ann K.
This winner has decided to gift her prize outfit to Molly! In fact, sweet Melissa is going to make not one, but two Christmas shirts... one for WavyBel and one for Harper!
Be sure to check out Melissa at Ava Claire's Closet by clicking here!
Cottage Care Home Interior Cleaning
Brenda C.
Again, THANK YOU to each and every one of you who purchased a raffle ticket! A lot of people pitching in a little went a long way in helping the M&M with their financial needs!
Keep checking back... more fundraisers coming soon!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
2 Raffle Fundraisers End Tomorrow Night...
The raffle drawings for the Cottage Care Interior Home Cleaning Service and the Ava Claires Closet Christmas Outfit end tomorrow, Wednesday, November 18th at 8:00 pm CST.
Raffle tickets for both auctions are $5 each.
There is still time to purchase them... just email me at and I will give you instructions on how to make the purchase.
I have received lots of emails (thank you!) and so to be sure that I have everyone tracked and ticketed, I am going to list the names (first name, last initial) of those who have purchased raffle tickets thus far. If, for some reason, you have contacted me and you do not see your name on this list, please let me know!
Thank you again & check back tomorrow for the WINNERS!
Cottage Care Cleaning Service
4 - Lori W.
1 - Carla T.
4 - Brenda C.
1 - Jodi S.
4 - Alison G.
4 - Bri M.
6 - Melanie I.
Ava Claires Closet Christmas Outfit
4 - Elizabeth S.
2 - Ginger E.
4 - Mary Ann K.
1 - Kellie M.
2 - Kristy A.
4 - Lori L.
1 - Carolyn S.
5 - Cody N.
5 - Kelly B.
4 - Kim D.
1 - Carrie H.
3 - Celina R.
It Was Not Great... from Molly
I don't know what to say about court today.
I mean that literally.
I can't think of what to tell you...
It was not great.
I am sure it could have been a lot more terrible.
It was not the slam dunk we had been hoping for.
Their lawyer appeared to be about twelve years old. So I was pretty surprised when he opened his mouth and an articulate and legitimate SOUNDING argument spilled out. We had hoped that his defense would be poorly delivered and easy to dismiss.
He, of course, argued that the judge had ruled incorrectly in the original case and that the birthfather was wrongly stripped of his parental rights. The judges asked questions of both lawyers. One judge said nothing. It was hard to tell what the other two judges were thinking.
The birthfather's lawyer said some untrue things about Matt and I, and also said that we had refused to take the stand in the preliminary trial because we knew we would be asked tough questions about what the birthfather had done for Waverley. At that point, we wanted to stand up and yell,
"Oh I will tell you all about that right here and now!"
We would have paid money to take the stand in the original trial! All we have wanted was for Waverley to have a voice instead of the opposition carrying on about the birthfather's rights.
Having to hear those untrue words was frustrating, to say the least.
At the conclusion of the time, the opposing lawyer got to have the last word. He used that time to make his final remarks and to make several false claims about things the birthfather has done. And we just had to listen and could not dispute it.
The judges have all of the information at their disposal.
We are praying that they will clearly see the truth and decide for the best possible future for Waverley.
Our lawyer said he expects the ruling in three to five weeks. He is an amazing lawyer but has proven a little bit of a poor predictor on the time frame front! So hopefully we will know that soon. We are not anticipating that we will though.
The judges can either rule that we win the appeal, lose the appeal, or they can kick it back to the lower court and order a retrial where we would basically start over from the beginning.
Both of these last two options seem completely unbearable.
I am sorry this update seems so cold and factual. We are sad and tired. It's been really tough today.
I'll just close by saying it again: it was not great.
In the midst of this hard day, we are so thankful for all of the prayer covering our sweet daughter today.
I'm just going to go hold her for awhile now.
Friends,Please pray that despite the articulate arguments made by the opposing attorney, these three judges will have the foresight and the wisdom to see through the "smoke and mirrors" and be able to clearly distinguish fact from fiction.
I personally can't imagine having to sit still and listen to false words spoken about me. It seems unfathomable that such a thing could happen in a court of law, of all places!
Thank you for continuing to pray for our friends.... pray that the judges would have wisdom that is beyond this world and as they weigh the evidence before them over the coming weeks, that the true character and intent of the birthfather would be clearly revealed to them.
Finally, as I shared with you in this post, the last thing Matt & Molly want to have to endure is another holiday season without resolution to this litigation. Last year, trying to celebrate the special-ness of the holidays, while carrying the burden of not knowing whether it would be their last time to do so as a family of four, was just too much to bear. Therefore, I ask you to pray specifically that this case would be decided expediently so that by the time the Christmas holiday is here, they will be able to celebrate it without fear or anxiety.
Thank you again for continuing to lift them up... I suspect that they will need your prayers even more as these days of waiting continue.
It's Over...
There is no way to truly know "how it went", but Molly said that "it wasn't great". As expected, the opposing attorney presented the best case he had as did Matt & Molly's attorney.
We all know that they have faced seemingly hopeless odds before, but God's wisdom and justice reigned.
For the rest of the day, I ask you to continue to pray that the judges who just heard this case will have supernatural wisdom and knowledge and that above all else, they will consider Waverley's needs, her security, her future, and her ultimate happiness.
Thank you!
Praying Today...
for her!
Jinny, a blog follower who has never met the Nagels personally, posted some specific prayer requests on her personal blog this morning.
They are perfect and so I want to share them with you so that you can continue to pray for the Nagels today...
and until the court decision is final.
Pray for...
•the judges' eyes and ears to be open to the true nature of Waverly's birth father.
•the judges to have supernatural wisdom and knowing.
•the Nagels' attorney to possess the words and answers ordained by our Heavenly Father.
•another miracle for the Nagel family.
•a sense of peace to surround Matt and Molly as they await the court's decision.
•God's will and perfect plan to reign supreme.
•Waverly and the future that God prepared for her even before she was conceived.
•a sense of security and love to envelope both Waverly and Harper.
•monetary provision for the enormous financial burden this battle has laid upon Matt and Molly.
Thank you Jinny for sharing those prayer requests with all of us.
And lastly, I want to thank all of you, on behalf of the Nagels, who have included them in prayer groups, bible study prayers, Sunday School prayer intentions, and who have passed their needs on to your own friends. I receive emails everyday from people who are extending the blanket of prayer that covers the Nagels today.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Here are a few more people who are Praying for Waverley! It's not too late to send me your pictures... I'll keep posting them as long as you send them!
Grandma Heintzelman's teacher friends have the whole family in our hearts and prayers.
Bridget Cotter, Christine Degen and Nancy D'Angelo
Monday, November 16, 2009
A Note from Molly...
From Molly
3:00 pm / November 16, 2009
"I am freaking out a little bit. I came in here to email Danielle after a good ,but busy day yesterday that just was jam packed from waking up until we fell into bed exhausted. I am full of nervous energy and my mind is racing!
I had some thoughts I thought I would email, but I decided to look at the blog first.
I could not believe the pictures!
When I saw the first one I gasped and thought, "Oh my gosh! People really sent in their pictures!" I was so excited and thought there might be one or two more. My eyes got bigger and bigger as I kept scrolling and scrolling.
I could NOT believe it!
Some of the pictures made me smile -- or laugh in the case of my awesome friends Bri and Steve -- and then I was just sitting here crying because I didn't even know so many of the people, and yet there they were with bracelets with our daughter's name on them.
Wow. What a feeling.
I am just sitting here covered in chills!
When all of this started over a year ago we used to send out mass emails to our friends and family when big things came up or when we had any new information. I literally did not believe it when people told me that they were forwarding the emails on, and that their friends or family who didn't know us would ask about us whenever they saw our friends. I thought they were just being nice or trying to let us know that people cared. I even though that perhaps they were even exaggerating a bit for our benefit.
So I have been totally overwhelmed through this blog when people that have no direct connection to Matt or I started reading the blog, or sending us money, or commenting that they were praying for us! In fact, two of the three fundraisers that were posted last week are being hosted by people I have never even met.
It just doesn't make any sense.
I wanted to tell you, on the eve of what is (hopefully, please Jesus) our last court date, that we are grateful beyond measure for your prayers and your support.
When we feel down or nervous or panicked, there is this whole blog site we can look at... it is a tangible reminder of what we have experienced all along, which is that there are some amazing people in this life, and we are so grateful to have crossed paths with you all!
I was telling my friend the other day that it really changes you to be on the receiving end of so much and know that no matter how much you want to, you will never be able to repay everyone for their kindness and generosity. I do just want you to know how deeply we are experiencing your goodness to us.
Thank you. Thank you.
Molly "
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Update to Fundraiser & a Reminder!
Remember this precious outfit that is up for auction?
We've extended the date by one day!
From now through Wednesday, November 18th at 8:00 pm CST, you can purchase raffle tickets for just $5 each!
That's right...
You have the opportunity to WIN this custom-made, personalized, adorable Christmas outfit for your special cutie for just $5!
The winner will be notified via email of their WIN with specific instructions on how to claim your precious prize!
Want to Buy a $5 Raffle Ticket... or two or three or four....
Email Danielle at with the number of tickets you would like to purchase. I will respond with payment instructions.
Click here to read the original fundraising post!
And just because I ADORE this sweet shirt so much....
How CUTE is it with a tutu?!?!
Of course, a tutu (as cute as it is) is only practical for about 10-15 minutes, so you can bet I'll be having Melissa make my Emily some of those adorable matching pants to go with her shirt too!
And finally....
Little Claire Stockemer in Wichita, Kansas wants to remind all of you to....
Email me your pictures wearing your prayer bracelets!
I will begin posting to the "Praying for Waverley" Gallery tomorrow in anticipation of Matt & Molly's court date on Tuesday!
Also, check back tomorrow for specific prayer requests from the Nagels!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
God's Timing is Perfect
I visited with Molly for a while this morning.
As we visited, she shared some of her thoughts about the timing of events related to Waverley's adoption litigation... God's timing, that is! I want to pass it on to you.
As you will see, the power of prayer is real, it is working, and God's timing is, well...
Example #1:
The day after their most grueling day in court (in their original case), Matt & Molly's attorney passed on the news that a case had just been decided. That case wasn't just any case! It was a case that they were able to use in their own court defense... one that was critical to their defense and, in all likelihood, was instrumental in their ultimate WIN!
We don't think so!
God's Timing is Perfect.
Example #2:
From Molly
"This week we received a great note from our lawyer. A case with bizarrely similar circumstances to ours was recently ruled on by the court of appeals.
In both the original case and this appeal, a case with a ruling that was critical to our defense came out just in time for us to use.
And we certainly do NOT believe this is a coincidence!
The court of appeals ruled in favor of that adoptive family!
As we have mentioned before adoption law is based on precedent.
So this is huge for us!
Now for the best part... one of the judges that ruled on this case is one of the three judges we go before on November 17th!
We don't think so!
God's Timing is Perfect.
Example #3:
Before I get to the part about the timing, let me first share with you something Molly emailed me the other night...
From Molly: My Favorite New Piece of Jewelry
To date, my favorite pieces of jewelry have been my wedding ring, and a great pair of earrings Matt bought for me several years ago.
This week a rubber bracelet has moved to the top of the list.
When I saw pictures of the bracelet with my daughter's name on it, it was one of those surreal moments where you feel like an outsider looking at your own life.
I can't believe we are in a situation where there is any reason for my little girl's name to be on a bracelet of this nature. And the fact that people care about this situation enough that we even HAVE bracelets to wear is astounding! Since we got them last Saturday I have seen two people wearing the bracelets and Matt saw some of our friends wearing them last night.
I know it is just a simple, blue, rubber bracelet, but 'oh my gosh' did that fill me with such a sense of hope and gratitude!
If this many people are praying for Waverley, I don't see how we could lose this fight! I so hope that people are reminded to pray for our precious girl when they see their bracelets.
I have been wearing MY bracelet today, and every time I see it, I just touch it for a second and close my eyes and take a whole lot of comfort. To know that we are not alone in this and that so many people are walking along side of us is incredible.
I am so happy I get to have it with me in the courtroom to remind me of all this. And as a reminder that as He has from the start, God will see us through.
Man I love this bracelet!
You may or may not know this, but I actually ordered these rubber prayer bracelets back in late August. When I ordered them, I was given a 7 day time frame for their delivery.
Obviously that didn't happen!
Shipping problems from China, the wrong color being ordered, communication problems with the company... you name it, it happened!
The end result of all of these so-called "problems" is that the bracelets ultimately did not arrive until late last week!
Because so many of you have graciously given donations and offered your prayer support, I have been scrambling to get these bracelets mailed out to everyone this week... the week before the ultimate court date! They are, after all, intended to be a visible reminder to pray for the Nagels and this is the week they need those prayers most!
After Molly shared with me how much she loved her bracelet and how comforted she was to SEE them on the wrists of people, I felt so bad that it had taken so LONG for them to arrive!
As I apologized for the long delay in getting them out to her prayer warriors, she interrupted me and said that she thought that timing was, well...
She shared that while people could certainly have been praying for the situation at large for these past months, the fact that they came so close to a time in which they needed specific prayers for their court date, was...
you guessed it...
Not a coincidence!
God's Timing is Perfect.
In 3 days, the Nagels will have their long awaited day in court. So pull out those bracelets, send me pictures of you wearing them, and let's continue to storm Heaven's gates on behalf of Matt & Molly and their precious family.
And in the end, we hope and pray that we will all be witness to another example of...
God's Perfect Timing!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Need your House Cleaned?
Just in time for the holidays...
Get your house cleaned...
by the renowned professional Cottage Care services!
Not only will your house smell fresh and look sparkling clean, 100% of the proceeds from this raffle will benefit the "Help Matt & Molly" Fund!
Here's how it works...
- Raffle tickets are $5.00 each.
- To purchase a raffle ticket, email Danielle at
- Please Note: The PayPal donation button may NOT be used for this fundraiser! Please email me directly with instructions on how to pay for your tickets.
- Purchase as many tickets as you want!
- The winning raffle ticket will be drawn on Wednesday, November 18th at 8:00 pm CST
- The winning bidder will be notified of their win and will be given instructions on how to set up the house cleaning!
Other Useful Information:
- The cleaning service must be used in the greater Kansas City area
- The cleaning service includes an interior clean only, which includes:
Bathrooms – complete scouring and sanitization of sinks, bowls, showers, tubs, tiles, and mirrors.
Furniture – thorough dusting of tops, sides, and legs.
Kitchen – countertops scrubbed down, sinks scoured, general cleaning of exterior of appliances and exterior of cabinets.
Hard Surface Floors – vacuumed then hand washed for best results. (bathrooms, kitchens and foyers)
Carpets – utilizing two different types of vacuums for the deepest clean.
Tailored Service – our contract cleaning service can meet all of your regular and special occasion needs
Tickets are only $5 EACH!
The winning ticket will be drawn on Wednesday, November 18th!
Yummy & Easy... a Fundraiser!
Janet, a blog reader from Iowa is graciously hosting an online Tastefully Simple Fundraiser to benefit Matt & Molly and their financial needs!
NOW through December 5th, 100% of the profits from any sale of Tastefully Simple product will be donated to the "Help Matt & Molly Fund"!
Sound Tasty & Simple?
Read on for great gift and holiday entertaining ideas and yummy recipes too!
Gift items starting at less than $15!
Gift items can be sent directly to your recipient with a personalized gift message included!
Need something really EASY for that busy mom who hates to cook?
This season, Tastefully Simple has introduced a new line of meal kits. Like all of the products, you never have to add more than 1 or 2 ingredients, and you can enjoy oven baked mac and cheese, bowtie pasta and chicken cacciatore, and more.
How about giving a gift to warm someone up with winter?
Try a delicious soup mix! the most popular soup, Perfectly Potato Cheddar is easy to make and delicious! Or try a warm drink such as Awesome Amaretto Cocoa, Warm Up Mulling Spice, or the customer FAVE, Oh My! Chai Drink!
Want to make your holiday entertaining EASY, elegant and delicious?
In addition to the very popular Bountiful Beer Bread and dips, you can enjoy easy-to-make Cranberry Tangerine Cheese Cake, Creamy Dreamy Chocolate Mousse, or Nanna’s Apple Cake.
And don’t forget the party buckets... Ruby Orange Slush Drink Mix or Samba Sangria Slush Mix make fun drinks simple to make! Drink mixes also have non-alcoholic versions.
Want to make a purchase & help the Nagels?
Log onto:
Click "Shop our Products"
From there, you can make an online purchase for yourself or as a gift for someone else.
And remember... 100% of the profits will go directly to Matt & Molly!
Have additional questions?
Email Janet at
Fundraiser Closes December 5th!
Expect products to arrive within 10 days.
How about some recipes?
- The more, the merrier! Make marvelous mini-meatballs by adding Bacon Bacon™, Onion Onion™, Seasoned Salt and sharp Cheddar cheese to your favorite meatloaf recipe. Roll into 1-inch balls; bake and serve hot, skewered with cocktail picks and cherry tomatoes.
- Add cream cheese and chopped red bell peppers to Bruschetta Cheese Ball Mix. Chill and serve with crusty bread, crostini or crisp veggies.
- And for a creamy crowd-pleaser, stir flaked crab or cooked cocktail shrimp into Artichoke & Spinach Warm Dip before baking. Serve hot with French bread or chips.
- Slice chicken breasts into cubes. Wrap a half slice of bacon around each one; secure with toothpicks. Brush with Bayou Bourbon™ Glaze, and bake until bacon is crisp.
- Add cream cheese and chopped red bell peppers to Bruschetta Cheese Ball Mix. Chill and serve with crusty bread, crostini or crisp veggies.
Cranberry Orange Martini Slush
Ruby Orange Slush Drink Mix
14 oz. (1 1 3/4 cups) vodka
16 oz. (2 cups) cranberry juice or cranberry juice cocktail
About 4 cups warm water
Empty and rinse bucket; add all ingredients. Stir until dissolved
Oh My! Chai-Nog
1 scoop Oh My! Chai®
6 oz. hot water
6 oz. warm eggnog
1 oz. brandy
Whipped cream (optional)
Combine Oh My! Chai® and water in large mug. Add eggnog and brandy. Top with whipped cream for garnish, if desired. Makes 1 serving.
Rhubarb Strawberry Pie
1/2 cup strawberries
8 oz. plain yogurt
1/3 cup Rhubarb Strawberry Fruit Spread
4 oz. Cool Whip®
9-inch graham cracker pie crust
Mash fruit in bowl with yogurt and Rhubarb Strawberry Fruit Spread. Fold in Cool Whip; blend thoroughly. Spoon into pie crust and freeze at least 4 hours. Makes 6-8 servings.
For these recipes and many,many MORE, visit:
A Seriously Cute Fundraiser!
How Cute Is This Outfit?!?!
It can be personally made for YOUR little girl by Melissa at Ava Claire's Closet!
A blog follower from Kansas who makes adorable custom, hand-made clothing for little girls has offered to host a Fundraiser on behalf of the Nagels!
Bid to WIN this sweet Christmas outfit, with matching hairbow, for your precious little girl (or granddaughter)!
It will be custom made to fit her, hand made with one-of-a-kind fabric, and personalized with her name on the shirt!
And the BEST part?
Melissa is graciously giving 100% of the winning bid proceeds to Matt & Molly to assist them with their legal obligations!
So not only are you getting a precious, one-of-a-kind outfit, you will be helping Matt & Molly at the same time!
This is a perfect and special outfit for a Christmas picture or any special holiday occasion!
Who might you have on your list that could use this special gift from Santa?
To place a bid, please email Danielle at
Bids will be collected through Tuesday, November 17th at 8:00 pm CST.
The winning bidder will be notified by email with instructions on how to go about getting measurements and details to Melissa.
The outfit will be mailed to you in the 1st week of December...
plenty of time for LOTS of holiday wearing!
I (Danielle) am a HUGE fan of Ava Claire's Closet and have several outfits for my own little girl. Whenever she wears one of her special creations, she gets TONS and TONS of compliments! So take it from me, your little one will be the envy of town in this sweet outfit!
P.S. The retail value of this outfit is $75, but bidding can start at $15!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
16 Months & 1 Week
Tonight, she emailed me a precious pictorial timeline of their 16 months with Waverley and the legal battles that have consumed them during that time. She said it was therapeutic to get it all written out.
I want to share it with you...
as written by Molly
June 23, 2008
End of August 2008
Waverley is 2 months old...
We learn that the birthfather has re-entered the picture and is contesting the adoption.
Late December 2008
After multiple delays and preliminary court appearances, we have the first day of testimony.
It is brutal.
Our lawyer warns us that he does not think we are going to be able to win.
We wait for 6 weeks to hear the judge's decision.
Against all odds, the judge ruled in our favor. He based his decision on the fact that the birth father had not offered any support of provision before or after Waverley was born, and because to place her in the custody of the birthfather would not be in the best interest of the child because the birth father was outrageosly unfit as a parent.
We breathed in relief and happiness!
This picture was taken on the night we found out that the judge ruled in our favor.
Waverley is 9 months old.
This is the picture that was at the end of that email.
June 2009
We tried to find a normal flow to life as we waited for the next step in the process.
This is the picture that was on her 1st Birthday party invitation.
Every day in June I prayed...
"Please, God...don't let this be the only birthday I celebrate with her."
These pictures were taken of Wavy this afternoon.
I am anxiously awaiting the picture we will take on the day we win for good...
the day Waverley's adoption is finalized!
Please continue to pray for our family.
For specific prayer requests, read the post "Normal, Yet Not Normal"
Monday, November 9, 2009
What Faith Can Do
It's called What Faith Can Do. The first time I heard it, I thought of Matt & Molly and the journey they have been on for over a year. The words seemed to speak directly to their situation.
So last night, on a complete whim, I decided to change the first song on the blog to this new song... What Faith Can Do.
Then, as if to reassure what I already KNOW Faith Can Do, I got into my car early this morning to take my son to preschool. As I turned on the engine and pulled out of the driveway, the very first thing I heard were these lyrics from What Faith Can Do...
Anyone can feel the ache
You think it's more than you can take
But you are stronger, stronger than you know.
Don't you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining!
Was it an odd coincidence?
Maybe. But I like to think it was something more than that!
I wanted to share this story and this song with you as we approach the one week mark... one week until Matt & Molly go to court again.
They are facing the clouds right now and at times I'm certain the ache feels like more than they can take.
Through this blog, I have personally witnessed generosity, that at times, seems to have no limits. I have witnessed people offer prayers, support, and love to the Nagel family... many whom have never even met the Nagels. It truly restores my own faith... to see so many reaching out to help a family in need. That's What Faith Can Do!
So, as the one week mark draws closer, I invite you all to renew your prayer efforts on behalf of the Nagels.
We need to encourage them not to give up now, for with prayer, the sun will soon be shining they will find the silver lining!
As I mentioned, the blue prayer bracelets are here and are starting to show up on the wrists of people across the country! If you are one of the many generous donators, your prayer bracelets are on their way!
Matt & Molly know in their hearts that many people are praying for them. But I'd like to continue to encourage them over the course of the next week by SHOWING them how many people are praying for them!
If your are a prayer warrior, please email me ( a picture of you (or your family) waving to Waverley and showing off your prayer bracelets!
As the pictures come in, they will be added to a "Look Who's Praying for Waverley" photo gallery! Let's work together to visibly show the Nagels how many people love them and are praying for them during this difficult week!
If you don't have a bracelet and want one, please email me ASAP!
So, let me me start the gallery by showing you a few little ones who are...
Praying for Waverley!
Emily & Noah
Who's Next?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Normal, Yet Not Normal
In 9 days, Matt & Molly will find themselves sitting in a courtroom, yet again, listening to their attorney present the reasons why their daughter, Waverley, should remain in their home.
9 days.
For the next 9 days, Matt & Molly have to continue parenting and living their lives as normal, despite the fact that, in their hearts, nothing seems normal at all.
9 days.
In 9 days, Waverley's future will rest in the hands of a panel of three judges... none of whom have ever met Waverley, her parents, or her sister.
9 days.
In 9 days, Matt & Molly's lives will enter another period of waiting. They will continue trying to live a normal life, depsite the very NOT normal circumstances that weigh so heavy on their minds and their hearts.
9 days.
It is a delicate balancing act... trying to remain optimistic and "normal" when everything inside of you feels so very NOT normal.
9 days.
We, their friends, family, and supporters, have 9 days to begin viligently praying for them as they continue to live a normal, yet not normal life, in anticipation of their court date...
in 9 days.
From Molly
This past weekend we celebrated Halloween with our girls for the first time. We went home to the lake with some of our favorite friends for the weekend and had an absolute ball. The girls will never have another Halloween like it I'm sure!
Harper and Waverley along with their friend were The Three Little Pigs. The little boy we were with was The Big Bad Wolf. The girls trick-or-treated by hayride, had a bonfire when we got back, and spent the beautiful weekend playing outside and laughing continuously.
Matt and I waited until we were on the way home to voice the same thought -- that as amazing as the weekend was, knowing that Sunday was the first of November put a huge knot in both of our stomachs.
We have been waiting for the court of appeals to hear our case since two days after we found out we had won the original court case.
We are fighting off a growing sense of panic as that day finally approaches.
On November 17th three judges will ask questions of our lawyer and the birthfather's lawyer for a mere twenty minutes each. It is hard for me to feel good about that. I would love for them to come to our house, meet the girl whose future they are determining, and then go to the birthfather's house and sit down with him and his mother for awhile.
That is how I would like for them to make their decision.
Instead we have twenty minutes.
The other difficult part of this is waiting for the ruling. They can take months to decide. There is no time limit. I remember waiting for the original decision and how we froze every time the phone rang. To spend every day wondering if you will hear something is, well, awful.
So we are taking lots of deep breaths and reminding ourselves that God is in charge. And as hard as it is to comprehend, we know He loves Waverley infinitely more than we do.
And we know He is Good.
We would so love your prayers during this time...
Here are the prayers we are asking for:
A positive outcome above all else. That Waverley would always be with our family.
The judges. That they would hear what they need to hear to rule in our favor. Their names are McAnany, Elliott, and Leben.
Kevin Kenney (our lawyer). That God would be with him during the hearing and that his preparation would be perfect for what the judges ask him
For peace for our family during this time. Specifically, that the girls would not pick up on the stress Matt and I feel.
For timing. That we would hear a positive ruling as quickly as possible
Thank you very, very much,
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Time is NOW!!!
Guess what is FINALLY here...
Just a tip... do not ever voluntarily order something from China! Do "Made in the USA" even if it is more expensive!
Anyway, THEY ARE HERE...
"For the Love of Waverley" Prayer Bracelets!
And now, more than EVER, Matt and Molly need your prayers and support!
Because in less than 2 weeks, they will have their long-awaited day in court...
the day in which their attorney will have a mere 20 minutes to convince a panel of judges that Waverley should be parented by Matt & Molly and remain in the home in which she has lived for nearly 17 months - her WHOLE life!
The date: November 17th
As that date draws nearer, so too does Matt & Molly's anxiety and fear.
So now, more than ever, I am asking you to lift up Matt & Molly in prayer.
Over the next few weeks, Molly will be providing me with specific ways in which you can direct your prayers, but for now, I simply ask you to remember this sweet family and their cause in your daily prayers.
And to remind yourself to pray constantly, consider getting a "For the Love of Waverley" prayer bracelet! 100% of the donations from these bracelets will go directly to the "Help Matt & Molly" fund to assist in alleviating a small portion of the financial hardship this legal battle has caused.
As you might imagine, the impending court date also means that new legal bills will be coming... only adding to those that currently exist. So many of you have been so generous in not only praying for the Nagels, but also by supporting them with a financial donation. As I mentioned in the previous post (A Window into Waverley's World), your generosity is something that will be forever cherished by the Nagels.
But there is still more work that can be done...
and the time to do it is NOW!
I urge you to consider helping me to sell ALL of the "For the Love of Waverley" prayer bracelets! I have approximately 250 unclaimed bracelets... all of which could go to one of you, to your family member, to your friend, to your church member, to your co-worker, to your neighbor... to someone who would pray for the Nagels!
If you have not yet ordered a bracelet, please contact Danielle at, or make a secure donation to the "Help Matt & Molly Fund" through the PayPal option available on this blog.
But don't just get ONE....
Consider taking a "wrist-full", wearing them, and sharing the Nagels story with your friends, family, neighbors.... anyone who might be willing to pray for them! Any donations that you get for sharing your bracelets can go directly to Matt & Molly!
One friend took a "wrist-full" to her bible study today and generated 15 prayer warriors and $80 in financial support!
If you are interested in the "wrist-full" operation, please email Danielle at and let me know how many you would like to have!
And lastly, to those who have already ordered bracelets or made donations, your bracelets will be coming in the mail very soon!
Once you get them, if you want to, you can SHOW Matt & Molly just how many people are praying for them in the coming weeks...
Send me a picture of you or your family WEARING your bracelets! I will be posting "Praying for Waverley" pictures on this blog site as a visual reminder to the Nagels of just HOW much prayer support they are getting during these unsettling weeks! You can email your picture to!
Also, please start checking this blog on a daily basis as I have several fun fundraising opportunities that will be posted in the upcoming days... great ideas for holiday gifts!
And as I mentioned, Molly will be providing me with some specific ways in which you can direct your prayers as the court date draws nearer... with some cute pictures of the prayer subject herself!
As always, THANK YOU for your continued support!
With gratitude,