Tuesday, August 17, 2010

30 Days Out

Long exhale...we are feeling it! The daily wind up leading into court.  It seems like our whole bodies get tenser each day leading up to our time in court until that day when we are just as tight as a drum.  Then of course we just stay that way until we get the verdict.  This weekend we had an idyllic time.  You cannot even dream up how good it felt to be together for the WHOLE weekend! Matt or I (or both) always work on Saturday and often times I do on Sundays.  To have two whole days together was pretty spectacular! We had a stay-cation with our favorite family of four.  We spent the weekend at their house and went to the zoo, the city market, played in sprinklers, played dress up, looked at each other and smiled, the whole deal.  Complete loveliness.  And then tonight when the girls were in bed Matt and I had a terribly ugly conversation that included things about what we would need to do for Harper if the worst happened, and decisions about our future that are on hold while a terrible and scary outcome looms over us like a real life monster.  I do not care for the fear and panic that lurk at the edges of our happy times.  30 days.

Please pray for the judges to be incapable of ruling against us.  Just absolutely incapable.

Thank you. With love,

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